The participants in the investigation will carry out tests in the laboratory with the objective of analyzing the evidence gathered at the simulated crime scene. They will be able to share and discuss the information obtained with other participating students from around the world. The project is aimed at students from 15-17 years old.
In phase one the teams will be formed from students at the same school. These teams will then go on to share, discuss and learn from each other throughout their investigation with other teams from different schools.
- Soil analysis
- Hair and fiber analysis
- Glass and plastic analysis
- Forensic drug testing
Ocular inspection
- CSI assessment report
- Plan of the crime scene
- Collection of evidence
- Crime scene photos
- Revealing latent fingerprints
- Detecting Blood
- DNA analysis
- Revealing shoe prints
- The Forensic Science Unit
- Evidence collection
- History, Culture & Arts
- Royal Courts of Justice